Scholarship & Testing Information
To find up-to-date scholarship information, study guides, and other great materials to help you prepare for life after high school, check out the following resources:

Student Services
At Seligman Schools, we know that every student and every family situation is unique. This unique blend of abilities and needs creates a dynamic learning environment where we can learn from one another, find success, and thrive.
Seligman strives to meet some of the needs of our diverse population by providing these services below.
Library Services
Our school library serves students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, offering a wide variety of books and reference materials at all reading levels.
The library is open during normal school hours. We listen to what both students and teachers would like to have available and encourage their input when determining what we order. Come by and see us soon!
English Language Learners
We are committed to ensuring our students are proficient in the English language so they may pursue their education and career goals without hindrance. At Seligman, we teach our ELL students through classroom immersion and provide supplemental support through paras and pull-out instruction. All registered students of Seligman schools must complete a home language survey to determine those children who are eligible or in need of services.
Federal Programs
The U.S. Department of Education provides grant funding for schools who demonstrate need in areas of academic consistency, demographics, and teacher retention. These programs help sustain school efforts of change through extra funding and support.
Title I is improving the academic achievement of students by ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to receive a high-quality education and reach proficiency in state standards. We spend these funds helping our schools align their curriculum with state standards and improving district progress monitoring and accountability.
Child Find
The intent of Child Find is to identify and evaluate children from birth through age 21 years old who display developmental and educational delays or disabilities and to ensure they receive the support and services needed to thrive. When children are "found," they are referred to specialists for screening. This screening helps identify areas of developmental or educational need. We will evaluate the children identified through Child Find, using state criteria, and offer intervention, special education (including preschool), and/or support services through our schools.
Special Education
Seligman provides a free and appropriate education for all of its students, including those students with disabilities and special giftedness, in accordance with state and federal laws. Our special education program works with families to create Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to meet the special needs of their children. This plan includes related services in and out of school, at no cost to the family, to compliment the student’s personal instruction and ensure that he/she receives the most benefit from his/her education.
Extended School Year
Funding is provided through IDEA to provide services throughout the year designed to support students with disabilities and help them maintain the skills they’ve learned as part of their IEP. The focus of this program is not to learn new skills or “catch up” to grade levels but to practice, over the summer, the skills they’ve acquired through the school year.
College and Career Planning
Planning for the future can seem overwhelming, but we’re here to help you every step of the way. We’d be happy to meet with you one-on-one, or you can check out some of the links on this page. To make an appointment, please call the front office or simply stop by the guidance office.