Work to determine the lifestyle that you wish to have after high school, then figure out how to make it happen. It is never too early to start considering career and college options. Here are some options:
Complete multiple aptitude/interest inventories (see below), and narrow down a few job areas you may like to explore further.
Spend time thinking about what you may enjoy doing and variables that you value most in a job.
Talk to your family, friends, and teachers to see if they feel you could be successful in some of the careers you have selected.
If you wish to attend college, as close to October as possible, seniors should strive to complete their FAFSA application.
While in high school, you can learn high earning and marketable skills through Mountain Institute CTED. Vocational and technical training is a wise path. Students who acquire vocational and technical skills do dynamic work, earn impressive incomes (often more than college graduates), and are in high demand in today’s job market.
Career Aptitude Tests